Friday, November 18, 2005

Loving the baby sling... wow!

Well, I'm trying out the baby sling I bought for the first time (and that's not me in the photo...), and it is going to be so nice! Any of you moms out there who remember (or are currently experiencing) the one-handed juggling act of doing things while holding your baby will appreciate this little device. It allows you to wear your baby while doing other things and have both hands free! So I'm typing two-handed, and NatureForce is content and sleeping right here on my front. Ahhhh....

I researched some different makes and models, and decided on a Hot Sling, because it had a higher ratio of positive reviews to negative reviews than any other pouch-style carrier. I got the hemp stretch natural padded, and it's lovely. It's very packable because it's not fully padded, but it has a ridge of padding in just the right place. It's useable from birth to about 30+ pounds, but of course by that time toddlers usually want to walk instead. Many of the mothers who use these slings talk about the convenience of popping the kid into the sling instead of wrestling a stroller, and although we didn't purchase it for a stroller replacement, it's going to be a nice thing to use for many different things.

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