Friday, November 18, 2005

Coming home

NatureForce and I arrived home from the hospital yesterday morning. It was a bit of a rush getting here. Paul had decided to sleep at home the second night and keep LittleMum with him instead of sending her back to my sister's. I asked him to be back to the hospital by 9 a.m. so we could leave by about 10, and he called me at 9:10. "Where are you?" he asked, which is his favorite query when he knows that I am wondering where HE is. He proceeded to tell me that he had just gotten out of the shower and hadn't left home yet, and of course it takes a little longer with a toddler in tow. So I greeted the pediatrician and my nurse midwife in succession, and they both gave us the go-ahead to go home, tried to feed NatureForce for the umpteenth time (she's getting anxious for Mama's milk to arrive), needed to get dressed and get her dressed, pack everything up, and eat my own breakfast! It was a little rushed without help, but we managed. Paul arrived shortly before 10 a.m., and although I didn't get a shower, we made it out of the hospital by about 10:10.

Perhaps I'll tell you in another post why I wanted to get out of the hospital on a "schedule." Some of you already know and are chuckling a bit at my insanity.

We did have time for a picture before we left.

It was so nice to be home and sleep in my own bed. We're loving our little NatureForce... she is such a sweetheart. Life is good.

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