Friday, August 04, 2006

What is it about The Wiggles?

Our three-year-old, LittleMum, is in love with The Wiggles. She has been watching the DVDs the last couple of days. And who can complain - she gets up and dances and sings with the TV. Then, after we turn the TV off, she'll sing the songs and dance around the house for a while.

Sitting down to watch The Wiggles with her, however, is an interesting experience. It's so funny to see grown men in what Australians call skivvies (or so our Aussie friend calls the long-sleeve shirts they wear), jumping and dancing and singing on the screen. But the music is infectious. I find MYSELF singing "Get ready... to Wiggle" at inopportune moments through the day.

Kids love The Wiggles. The Wiggles are good for kids. Good on 'em.


Tolkien Boy said...

I have no doubt they're good for children. But they scare the crawling neemies out of me.

N.F. said...

I wonder what the deal is with Teletubbies. The Nephew (18 months) LOVES Teletubbies. They, in fact, also kind of creep me out. But, he goes crazy with excitement when they are on TV. Them, and Elmo. Oh, and Barney and Elmo. Between the Lions, too, and did I mention Elmo? :)