Friday, August 04, 2006

The Truth about Internet Marketing

Okay, so I don't quite know the truth about internet marketing. However, I have been immersing myself in so much information I'm not sure which way is up.

I have a huge passion for helping work-at-home moms (WAHMs, you know who you are!) joyfully generate income from home while keeping their family first... a goal that I myself have and work at every day. I love my two little ones, as you can hopefully gather from our little blog. The opportunity is this: I would like to widen my reach. I realize that not many WAHMs can afford one-on-one coaching. So I have been exploring other ways to give them hope and real strategies for making a home business both passionate and balanced.

I believe that working at home is a MOVEMENT. So many effective, fabulous professional women are looking at their lives and realizing that what they truly long to do is be at home with their beautiful children. They understand that they are the best person to provide the love and guidance that helps children develop confidence and love of life and learning. Yet, in today's economy, it's becoming more and more difficult to live on only one income.

WAHMs, I salute you - what you do, what you stand for.

1 comment:

Tolkien Boy said...

I can't be a mom, but someday I hope to be a work-at-home father.