Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ramblings Due to Lack of Posting...

First of all, since my nephew put a link on his blog to mine, I thought I'd better say welcome to any of his friends and admirers who find themselves here. Maybe some of you would be interested in my kids and what it's like to be a stay-at-home, work-at-home mom. In any case, know that I have endeavored to be a cool aunt and hope that I have been. But you'll find no brilliant writing or deep rhapsodizing here, just everyday, simple thoughts and observations... I say this because my nephew has made the written word his passion, his lifestyle, and his course of study - and tends to run with folks who have done the same. I wish him all the best as he chooses between three great graduate schools and transitions to life as a post-graduate.

Secondly, I know it's been a while since I posted. Life has been a little complex recently with writing deadlines and my dad in the hospital for over a month. I'm finding it a challenge to keep up on everyday responsibilities, like keeping the kids' tummies full and their diapers changed, let alone the extras. Which leads me to my next point...

ENTROPY has taken over my LIFE! The dirty clothes hampers are overflowing. The sink is full of dirty dishes. My husband even informed me that our junk email inbox is full and all new emails are bouncing. Now granted, I can feel good that at least our normal email inbox is not bouncing, but still. *Sigh*

Unfortunately, there are so many things in our lives that need to be maintained. Even if they're not the most important things, they can cause chaos and prevent effectiveness in our most important things if they're not maintained.

A scientist might laugh at my simple understanding of entropy, but this is how I see it: the disorder of my system is going to naturally increase over time. As entropy increases, the less energy is available to do work because a lot of my energy goes towards the equalization process due to all that entropy. It also takes a lot more energy getting me back to my starting state than if I had maintained in the first place.

Boy, is that the story of my life. Lots of energy is spent thinking about all my disorder, and it's a challenge to get the energy to get that disarray into some semblance of order.

Maybe the key is to stop trying to control the inevitable entropy and just understand that life will always have disorder. I can become comfortable with chaos and simply work to enjoy the people around me... they can give me love back and the dishes and laundry can't.


Tolkien Boy said...

I feel so gratified to be linked! If people know what's good for them, they'll be visiting your site.

Thanks for the pizza, too. It lasted me...almost half an hour. :)

Our Mojo Rory said...

I am sorry to hear about your dad. How is he doing? I wish I had known... shelli taylor