Wednesday, September 03, 2008

LittleMum's First Day of School

I'm a little slow, because this is the second week of school. However, we did have a big first week of kindergarten last week! In spite of freaking out a little bit and not wanting to meet her teacher at Back To School Night the previous week, LittleMum was excited to go to school on her first day. She was all smiles and got right into the swing of things in the classroom.

NatureForce did too, or wanted to, at least. She picked up a pencil to sign her name like the big kids. Of course, I had to tell her that she was not staying because she wasn't quite old enough for school. Then we had a big tantrum in the kindergarten classroom amid the kindergartener / parent traffic. Even though I was holding MsDetermined, I had to pick up NatureForce (who had gone boneless) and drag her out into the hall. I ended up just putting her in the stroller as best I could so we could leave with whatever shred of dignity we had left.

One of LittleMum's classmates dads must have thought NatureForce was my kindergartener, because he said, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had to drag the kid kicking and screaming."

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